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Friday, 16 September 2011



Triangle shawls are my favorites, but I love anything Anna designs! laurasknitting on Ravelry!


I prefer top-down. I'm the kind of person that likes to use as much of the skein of yarn as possible and this lets me be able to do that.

Ravelry id: oiyi


That looks fabulous!
I've only relatively recently started to knit lace shawls, and only finished two rectangular ones. I am, however, working on my first crescent shaped, and a triangular is in the planning stage.


I love top down shawls and crescent shape because they fit the body so well.


These are just gorgeous. Ravelry id is irenetay. I've only done 1 shawl in a Mystery KAL. On a sock binge currently but would love to make more shawls of all shapes.

Nadine Foster

I like side to side and bottom up shaping. For me it is all about the lace.
nafoster on Ravelry

Nora Brown

I knit mostly shawls, but I've yet to knit all the different shapes. I tend to like ones that sit nicely on the shoulders. :) I would love this book. It sounds like a great read and a wonderful resource.

My rav name is norabrown.

Victoria Moss

I'm particularly fond of crescent shape shawls -- but hey, I'm easy! If I love the design, I'll knit whatever shape it is.

Erica N

I think my favorite shawls to knit are crescent. I also like the kind that have distinct parts knit in different directions. Oh and I think the long shawls that work as scarves are very easy to wear. I need to try a circle shaped shawl.

nubsmom on rav


ravelry id: noirem

Faroese shawls are my favourite but I mostly seem to knit triangle ones. The shawls are all lovely and I appreciate that they used a non-Caucasian model.

Kay Nysse

I love knitting circular shawls. There's something about the 'round and 'round spiraling process that is very peaceful and contemplative. Great for introspective knitting!

Jennings Mccarthy

I like crescent shawls the most (so far), as they look better on me -- and stay in place! I want to explore circular shawls more though.
-JenIntl on Ravelry

Katherine Hutter

I absolutely love shawls and knit so many of them that it's hard to choose a favorite shape. If pressed, I would say that I love the long, extended triangle and circle shawls the best since I love to wrap the ends around. I also feel these can be worn so many different ways!

Rav ID: annababi

Kathi Jobson

WOW, that is all I can say, your designs are gorgeous. I think I like the elongated half moon shape or just a rectangle wrap style the best. Your Burridge Lake Aran Afgan is so beautiful too. My Rav name is Katjobson.

St. Tracy

I LOVE making shawls! It helps deplete my SABLE and give s me room to add more!

Beth W.

Shawls are perfect! Great for me and as gifts! Personally, I like triangle ones. My Rav name is yhime407. Thanks!

Christa V

Love the designs! I like the shape of Changing Directions (and Skuld) the most.
my ravname is ChristaV

Knitty Attitude

I really like three cornered shawls, knit from the top. I also like witty shaped shawls that hug your neck! I'm KnittyAttitude on Rav :)

Lindaran (on Rav)

I'm not sure that I have a favorite shape. It all depends on the design and the use. At the moment, however, I'm really attracted to crescent shawls. I love the movement and the versatility of the shape.


I like semi-circles, but I've only made one shawl so far. Her shawls do look beautiful!

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