Lots on the go over here and barely any time to blog it seems. I always have good intentions to get over here and write something but with the updating of Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry and Google+, my blog is falling down on the priority list. I really shouldn't be neglecting it as I can write more here than I can anywhere else. Oh, the joys of juggling time.
So, if I saw you at Stitches Midwest last month, it was a pleasure! This was our first time venturing out to the show and it was oodles of fun. Absolutely exhausting too but 3 days of talking yarn and knitting with everyone was a hoot!
And to my delight, Mr. Zen's cousin Lisa agreed to come and help us this year. I must say, having someone else in the booth helping was really amazing. I am so used to relying on myself for everything as the business owner but after spending a weekend with Lisa, well, I think I might just be able to change my mind on that a little. Seems the more hands there are, the easier things become...who knew? I suspect it's a sign of getting older too - my energy reserves just aren't what they used to be...LOL
And I must give a really big shoutout to Lisa - she was absolutely fantastic to work with. She's a natural saleswoman too and the cutest personality you'll ever meet and the added bonus? Lisa is also a knitter and has that insane lust for luxury yarns like the rest of us. We are already plotting for next year's show!
Right after returning I managed to finalize my new shawl pattern too. This one started out as a bit of an experiment to see what the half-circle shape would be like then a quicker bind off than I had planned because I just had to see what it would turn out like. It's a lovely shawlette size and can very easily be upsized with more increases of the border.. I love this shape and have yet another design on the needles but with different lace motifs and I am definitely going to knit it a little longer now that my anxious "hurry up and see how it blocks" has been satiated with Raphaelite.
Save $1.50 for the month of September on my newly released pattern!
Raveled: Raphaelite Shawl
So how have you been? If you want to keep up with me in real time and not wait for a post every 3-4 weeks or so, I suggest you come on over and follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. I seem to update those accounts often.
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend everyone - knitting season is about to hit full swing as the weather cools! I like to think of this season not as Fall but rather "time to get out the wool" season!